Digicust Digital Customs Transforming Software
Digicust develops trustworthy AI-systems to overcome ethical, and legal hurdles in applying cutting-edge technologies.
Get the support your customs specialists desire, scale your business in foreign trade and customs clearance, while saving time and costs tremendously – with Digicust’s trustworthy AI solutions.
Tech Awards
Digicust’s help for customs tariff NEO is digital and learns through artificial intelligence more with every job. Automatically all related documents of a case are read in. Missing or mismatched inputs are highlighted for a final, manual check.
Michael S. Chief Technology Officer
Based, among other things, on the completeness of the inputs and the kind of documents a duty cases difficulty is rated. According to the level of difficulty the case is assigned to a qualified customs officer to be processed.
You feel like you didn’t see everything you need on our mockups? No problem, you can download our app for your iPhone or Android smartphone and enjoy it in it’s full scope. Moreover you can try our web tool as well.
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