Agile Software Development

Evaluate scrum team productivity from the perspective of an Chief Technical Officer short CTO

by Mina Haleem 16 Feb 23 12 minutes


As an innovation Manager or Technical Header (CTO), you face numerous challenges in your day-to-day operations, and evaluating the productivity of your scrum team can add to that list. It’s not easy to quantify the success and efficiency of a scrum team, especially in an Agile environment where processes and goals can constantly change. However, it’s essential to measure and evaluate scrum team productivity to ensure they are meeting sprint goals, delivering high-quality work, and continuously improving.

The challenge lies in finding the right key indicators to evaluate the scrum team’s productivity and making sure they accurately reflect the team’s performance. It’s also important to consider the fact that the team’s productivity can be affected by a variety of factors, such as changes in project requirements, resource constraints, or interpersonal dynamics within the team.

In this article, we will provide you with a comprehensive guide to evaluating the productivity of your scrum team, with a focus on the challenges CTOs face. From tracking the number of story points completed to measuring the quality of deliverables and feedback from stakeholders, we’ll give you the tools you need to effectively evaluate your team’s performance and address any areas for improvement.

The following are 7 key indicators of a productive software scrum team, with examples and a deeper discussion:

  • Sprint goal achievement
  • Story points completed
  • Time to complete stories
  • Focus on Continuous Improvement
  • Communication and collaboration
  • Quality of Deliverables
  • Feedback from stakeholders

Many CTOs struggle with evaluating the performance of their scrum teams, especially when it comes to sprint goal achievement.

Evaluate scrum team productivity by sprint goal achievement

evaluate scrum team by sprint goals achievement

The first and most obvious indicator to evaluate scrum team productivity is sprint goals achievement productivity. Sprint goals are specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound objectives that the team sets for themselves at the start of each sprint. This can be measured by tracking the number of sprint goals achieved and comparing it to the number of sprint goals set. A high percentage of sprint goals achieved indicates a productive team. They provide a clear direction for the team and help ensure that work is focused and aligned with the project’s overall goals.

Here are some examples of how you can evaluate scrum team productivity by sprint goal achievement:

  1. Track the number of sprint goals achieved:
    Keep a record of the number of sprint goals set for each sprint and compare it to the number of sprint goals achieved. A high percentage of sprint goals achieved indicates a productive team.
  2. Review the sprint retrospective:
    The sprint retrospective is a meeting where the team reflects on the sprint and identifies areas for improvement. Use this meeting to evaluate the team’s ability to meet sprint goals and identify any obstacles that may have prevented them from achieving their goals.
  3. Assess the sprint backlog:
    The sprint backlog is a list of items that the team needs to complete during the sprint. Evaluate the sprint backlog to see if all items were completed and if the team was able to achieve its sprint goals.
  4. Collect feedback from stakeholders:
    Feedback from stakeholders such as clients, customers, and users can provide valuable insights into the team’s ability to meet sprint goals. Look for trends in the feedback and use them to identify areas for improvement.

By using these methods, you can get a clear picture of the team’s ability to meet sprint goals and identify any areas for improvement. Regular evaluation of sprint goals achievement for scrum teams will help you to make informed decisions about processes, workflow, and resource allocation, and ultimately ensure the success of your projects.

Evaluate the scrum team by story Points Completed

evaluate scrum team by story points completed

A key indicator of evaluating scrum team productivity. Story points are a unit of measurement used in agile project management to estimate the effort required to complete a user story. When a team consistently completes a high velocity or a high number of story points in each sprint, it indicates that they are working efficiently and effectively.

To evaluate the performance of your scrum team using story points completed, here are some steps to follow:

  1. Establish a baseline:
    Start by establishing a baseline for your team’s average velocity, which is the average number of story points completed per sprint. This will help you track progress and determine if the team is improving over time.
  2. Track story points completed:
    Use project management software or a spreadsheet to track the number of story points completed in each sprint. Make sure to record this data for every sprint so that you can see patterns and trends over time.
  3. Set realistic goals:
    Based on the baseline velocity, set realistic goals for the number of story points that the team should aim to complete in each sprint. Make sure to consider factors such as team size, project complexity, and resource constraints when setting these goals.
  4. Regularly evaluate performance:
    Regularly evaluate the team’s performance by comparing the actual number of story points completed in each sprint to the goals set. This will help you identify areas for improvement and track progress over time.
  5. Use data to inform decisions:
    Use the data collected on story points completed to inform decisions and make improvements. For example, if you notice that the team is consistently falling short of its sprint goals, you may need to adjust the goals or find ways to support the team in achieving its targets.

Here is an example of how to track the completed story points to evaluate your scrum team productivity:

A scrum team of 6 members sets a goal to complete 30 story points per sprint. Over the course of 3 sprints, they complete 25, 32, and 35 story points, respectively. Based on this data, it can be concluded that the team is performing well and consistently meeting its sprint goals.

In conclusion, tracking story points completed is a useful way to evaluate the productivity of a scrum team. By regularly monitoring and analyzing this data, CTOs and engineering managers can make informed decisions to support the team and drive productivity.

Evaluate scrum team productivity by time to complete stories

evaluate scrum team by time to complete stories

An important factor to consider when evaluating the productivity of your scrum team. This indicator measures the amount of time taken by the team to complete a story from start to finish. It provides an idea about the speed and efficiency with which the team is working. 

Here’s how you can evaluate your scrum team’s time to complete stories:

  1. Determine the average time taken to complete a story:
    To do this, track the time taken to complete each story in a sprint and calculate the average time taken. This gives you a baseline to measure your team’s performance over time.
  2. Monitor the trend:
    Compare the average time taken in each sprint to the previous sprint. If the time taken is increasing, it’s a sign that the team may be facing challenges and needs support.
  3. Use burndown charts:
    Burndown charts help you track the progress of work and understand the speed of your team. It gives you a visual representation of the amount of work remaining and the time taken to complete the work.

Here is an example that improves the effect of Time of complete stories on evaluating scrum team productivity:

Let’s consider a team with an average time taken to complete a story of 5 days. Over a period of 3 sprints, the average time taken to complete a story increased to 7 days, then 8 days, and finally 9 days. This indicates a decrease in productivity and may be due to factors such as increased complexity of work, lack of resources, or increased distractions. CTO can work with the team to identify and address the underlying issues to improve their productivity.

By tracking the time to complete stories, CTOs can stay on top of the scrum team’s productivity, and performance and ensure that the team is delivering high-quality work at a sustainable pace.

Evaluate scrum team productivity by focusing on continuous improvement

evaluate scrum team by focusing on continuous improvement

An important aspect to evaluate scrum teams is that helps to keep the team motivated and engaged. This indicator measures the team’s dedication to improving its processes and techniques over time.

Here’s how you can evaluate your scrum team’s focus on continuous improvement:

  1. Retrospective meetings:
    Regular retrospective meetings are a great way to assess the team’s focus on continuous improvement. During these meetings, the team discusses their strengths and weaknesses and identifies areas for improvement.
  2. Action items:
    After the retrospective meetings, ensure that the team has a list of action items that they can work on to improve their processes. This shows their commitment to continuous improvement.
  3. Adoption of new tools and techniques:
    Observe whether the team is open to trying new tools and techniques that can improve their productivity and efficiency.

Here is an example of how to focus on continuous improvement of scrum team productivity:

Let’s consider a team that has been using the same set of tools and techniques for the past 6 months. During their retrospective meeting, they discussed the need to adopt new tools to improve their efficiency and speed. The team researched, evaluated, and successfully adopted a new tool that improved their productivity by 15%. This demonstrates the team’s focus on continuous improvement and their willingness to embrace new ideas and technologies.

By monitoring the team’s focus on continuous improvement, CTOs can ensure that the scrum team’s productivity is continuously growing and improving and that they are delivering high-quality work at a sustainable pace.

Evaluate scrum team productivity by Communication and collaboration

evaluate scrum team by communication and collaboration

Good communication and collaboration within a scrum team are essential for ensuring that work is completed efficiently and effectively. 

Here’s how you can evaluate your scrum team’s communication and collaboration:

  1. Sprint Planning and Review Meetings:
    Attend the sprint planning and review meetings to observe how well the team communicates and collaborates. Do they listen to each other’s ideas and provide constructive feedback? Are they able to resolve any conflicts in a professional manner?
  2. Cross-functional Collaboration:
    Observe how well the team members work together, regardless of their role or expertise. Are they able to communicate effectively and collaborate on tasks that require different skill sets?
  3. Knowledge Sharing:
    Encourage knowledge sharing among team members and evaluate how well they work together to ensure that everyone is up-to-date on the latest technologies and best practices.

Here is an example of the power of communication and collaboration between scrum team:

 A scrum team is working on a complex project that requires input from multiple departments. During the sprint review meeting, the team leader praised the team for their excellent communication and collaboration, highlighting how the team members from different departments worked together to complete the project on time and within budget. The team leader also noted that the team’s knowledge-sharing practices helped to ensure that everyone was on the same page and that the project was completed with minimal errors.

By evaluating the scrum team’s communication and collaboration, CTOs can ensure that the team is working effectively and efficiently and that they are delivering high-quality work that meets the customer’s needs.

Evaluate scrum team productivity by quality of deliverables

evaluate scrum team by quality of deliverables

The quality of deliverables is a key indicator of a scrum team’s productivity. 

Here’s how you can evaluate the quality of your team’s deliverables:

  1. Code Review Process:
    Evaluate the team’s code review process to ensure that the code is well-written and free of bugs. Do team members provide constructive feedback to each other during the review process?
  2. Automated Testing:
    Use automated testing to evaluate the quality of the team’s code. Are they using automated testing tools to catch bugs before they reach the customer?
  3. Customer Feedback:
    Ask the customer for feedback on the team’s deliverables. Are they satisfied with the quality of the work? Have they experienced any issues with the team’s deliverables?

Here’s an example of how you can evaluate your scrum team’s deliverables:

A scrum team was working on a software project for a large retailer. The team leader praised the team for the quality of their deliverables, highlighting how their code review process and automated testing practices helped to catch any bugs before they reached the customer. The customer also provided positive feedback, praising the team for the quality of their work and for their attention to detail.

Evaluate scrum team productivity by feedback from stakeholders

evaluate scrum team by feedback from stakeholders

Another key indicator of a scrum team’s productivity.

Here’s how you can evaluate the feedback your team is receiving:

  1. Conduct Surveys:
    Conduct regular surveys to gather feedback from stakeholders, such as customers and other team members. Ask for specific feedback on the team’s performance and the quality of their deliverables.
  2. Track Progress:
    Keep track of how the team is progressing toward meeting its goals. Do stakeholders believe that the team is on track? Are there any concerns about the team’s progress?
  3. Encourage Open Communication:
    Encourage open communication between the team and stakeholders. Do team members actively seek feedback from stakeholders? Are stakeholders comfortable giving feedback to the team?

A scrum team was working on a project for a large financial services company. The team regularly conducted surveys to gather feedback from stakeholders, including customers and other team members. They found that the feedback was overwhelmingly positive, with stakeholders praising the team’s progress toward meeting its goals and the quality of their deliverables. The team also encouraged open communication and actively sought feedback from stakeholders, which helped to foster a positive and productive working relationship.

Finally, by using these key indicators, you can evaluate the productivity of your scrum team and identify areas for improvement. Regular evaluation of your team’s productivity will help you to make informed decisions about processes, workflows, and resource allocation, and ultimately ensure the success of your projects.

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